Island Girl runs aground

After a week on the Grevelingenmeer it was time to leave. A short distance from Grevelingenmeer is the small port of Stavenisse. Here you are back on tidal waters and at low tide there is not sufficient water to pass safely over the cill. We timed our departure from Grevelingenmeer to make sure we arrived when there was sufficient water for us to safely enter the harbour. Stavenisse was a small town, it was once a commercial port but no longer. There was not a lot going on here. Of course there was a windmill. The town cemetery had some unusual but very graphic gates, there were skulls capping the… Read More

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Sailing in Zeeland

After 2 nights in Dordrecht we left for the Haringvliet. We enjoyed our stay but the bells of the Grote Kerk of Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk kept us awake all night, they were really loud and chimed all night long. Leaving to travel west needs to be timed correctly as just around the corner is a railway bridge that needs to be lifted. The river here is really busy with commercial shipping of all shapes and sizes. We were heading onto the Oude Maas which provides an alternative route back to Rotterdam’s ports and the sea. We were making good progress, the current was providing a few knots of speed. This was not… Read More

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