Winter in Portugal

When we made our  last post on this blog Christmas was a few days away. We celebrated Christmas Eve with friends from Riverside Church at their home followed by a Christmas Eve  service at Riverside. It is great to meet new people and share experiences and also see what we have in common. Christmas day was different from those we have had in England, the sun was shining and we walked along the beach and enjoyed coffee and cakes sitting outside by the beach.  On the way back we chatted to our Belgium freinds from the boat Amadaus sitting by the beach. Cafes and restaurants were open and there was… Read More

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Happy Christmas from Cascias

We had a good trip back to the UK in November and it was good to catch up with family. We returned to the boat and our French neighbours had left as we expected. They kindly left a bottle of wine on our boat. We have been in Cascias now over two months. It is good to explore and we are enjoying the experience of living in a different place. We are meeting new and interesting people from all around the world. We have meet regularly with our Belgium friends and had games evenings including a new game to us Mancala a game with ancient roots. There are a number… Read More

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Life in Portugal

Cascias We have settled to a static life in Cascais having been here over a month. As mentioned in our last blog we could not get a berth in central Lisbon as these marinas are very busy and apparently completely full. Cascais is about 10 miles west of the city with a train every half hour. Having been here a few weeks now we think that Cascais is probably a better location for us anyway. We are finding our way around town, the marina is quiet (Unless you have a boat full of Scots with Bagpipes!) with only one couple we know who are staying long term. There are still… Read More

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