What a strange month this has been, our two and a half week trip to the UK has become two and a half month trip. When we left Portugal coronavirus was predominately still a Chinese problem and we did not imagine how both family events and world events would develop over such a short time scale.

We told this story in our last blog post. The joy of the arrival of a granddaughter, the sadness of losing a Mother and getting stuck when flights back got cancelled. Looking back at the last blog the prospect of a lockdown must have seemed distant as Graham talked about exploring Southend and taking trips down the pier. 

We have spent the last weeks staying at Graham’s late Mother’s home. This is only 1/4 mile from the house where Graham grew up so our daily walks have been around the park and streets of his youth. He is feeling old saying “this all used to be farmland”.

We have also been sorting through the house and finding old treasures. One favourite so far is a photo of Graham (aged about eight), his sister Ruthie both holding a monkey and brother David trying to escape from the pushchair.


We hope that you are keeping safe, we know that this time is throwing up challenges and everyone’s situations are different. Some are busy, some are furloughed from their jobs. 

We usually have a number of photos to include in our blog posts featuring the places we have visited, our world has shrunk as has most peoples and we have not been more than a walk away from home for the last month. Just because we can’t go far does not been that we cannot take photos. There are still interesting things to see, Spring has left the trees in blossom, nearby is a country park that used to be farmland when Graham was young and the Baptist church that was a key influence on Graham during his teenage years. Stuck in the house he has taken to photographing old toys and tools in the garage.  

We are not sure how much longer we will be in England but we do not really anticipate travelling back to Portugal for at least another 8 weeks.

 We have decided that we really won’t have enough time for the trip we had planned for the summer so we have decided that when we return we continue to base ourselves in Cascias until spring 2021 and travel south then. We are looking forward to getting back and taking Island Girl out for a sail.


  • Neil Mayhew

    I LOVE the photos of the James Bond Aston Martin! I had one just like that and so enjoyed playing with it.

    Glad you’re able to make the most of your current situation. “This too shall pass.”

  • martin shipley

    Thought of you both many times when i walk past your place on my daily walks wet today though
    Hope you both keep well and manage to see services, my Malta oak hall was cancelled.
    God Bless Martinx

  • Judith

    Thanks for the updates & slightly ‘different’ pics. Not sure kids would be allowed to hold monkeys like that today! Hope it’s not too long before you can return to your sailing adventures.

  • Sarah Critten

    Judith,lovely to find your number,and discover what has been happening.I look forward to reading your blog,and hope you can continue your sailing adventure in the not too distant future….Sarah. Xx

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